Historic violin

Grow OPM's Collections

Waugh artwork of an ocean scene

Artifact Donations

OPM considers a wide variety of artifact donations that will be used to advance the Museum’s mission.

Our mission is to preserve and promote history, art, and culture for Oshkosh residents and visitors by stewarding collections, creating educational experiences, and providing access to the unique heritage of the Lake Winnebago Region.

Please review our Collection FAQ for further information. 

Ready to start the conversation about donating to OPM's Permanent Collections? Click here to connect with us.

Collection Highlight: Coast Near Cape Ann, artist Frederick Judd Waugh, OPM #1104-26

Our Collecting Initiatives

OPM endeavors to tell diverse and wide-ranging stories of the Lake Winnebago Region. In addition to other historically valuable materials, we seek to represent the following in our permanent Collection: 

  • Diverse cultures who have immigrated to the Lake Winnebago Region 

  • Materials that illustrate changing societal values post-WWII

  • Archival materials from prominent local businesses, past and present

Collection Highlight: OshKosh B'Gosh sign, OPM #2011.33.1

Red OshKosh B'Gosh sign